WSUS clients may fail during synchronization and log the following errors: 0x8024400D

Issue: WSUS clients may fail during synchronization and log the following errors: 0x8024400D

Cause: Too much rubbish in WSUS database eg. Lots and lots of expired and superseeded updates. No cleanup or maintenance has been done for a loong time.


Execute a maintenance CleanUp on the WSUS Server. Most of the 0x8024400D are due to a high quantity of updates on the server, even declined, expired, or superseded. This causes that the client WU Engine cannot finish processing all the information, and cannot pass to the Evalutation phase of the update process.


-Run Decline-SupersededUpdates.ps1 (Can also be found at – in the Archive folder). If the base Operating System is Windows 2008 R2 of further there should not be any problem to run it on Powershell 2.0


Open a Powershell windows as Administrator

Execute the next cmdlet in order to be able to execute non-signed scripts: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Execute the script using the next syntax: .\Decline-SupersededUpdates.ps1 -UpdateServer FQDNoftheWSUSserver -Port xx -SkipDecline

Example: .\Decline-SupersededUpdates.ps1 -UpdateServer wsus.domain.local -Port 8530 -SkipDecline


After the process finishes we need to run the WSUS Cleanup:

From WSUS Console, go to Options, and open WSUS Cleanup Wizard

– Select only the 4th and 5th option: Expired Updates and Superseded Updates

– After the process finishes, run the Wizard again, just selecting the 1st Option: Unused updates and update revisions.

You might have to run this multiple times, untill it stops giving timeout errors – in case you got A LOT of expired and superseded updates – I’ve put up a script to perform this task instead. – see this post:

  • Check if the affected clients are running Windows 7 – 32 bit version.

In this case, we will need to ensure that they have at least the WU Agent revision from June 2015:                               (You can download it from Here: )

  • – Clean the bloated update cache on the affected clients:

From a CMD as Administrator execute:

Net stop AppIDSvc

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptsvc

ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution %windir%\SoftwareDistribution.old

ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 oldcatroot2

Delete, in the registry: the PingID, SUSClientID and the AccountDomainSID values from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate

Then execute:

net start AppIDSvc

net start wuauserv

net start cryptsvc

wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

Join Mac OS X to Active Directory

Simple script to join a Mac to domain






# Enable SSH

echo “Enabling SSH”

systemsetup -setremotelogin on

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist

# Add computer to Active Directory

echo “Adding computer to Active Directory”

dsconfigad -preferred $HOST -domain $DOMAIN -u $ADUSERNAME -p $ADPASS

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 with MDT 2013 the simple way

In my case I need to automate the installation of .NET 3.5 within a MDT 2013 build and capture task sequence for Windows 8.1

In the State restore add a step to set the WindowsSource Path
The Windows Source will be located within the Operating Systems folder on your Deployment Share

  1. Add a Set Task Sequence Variable step
    1. Type Task Sequence Variable: WindowsSource
    2. Type Value for your source files: %deployroot%\Operating Systems\Windows 8.1 x64 Enterprise VL\Sources\SXS

Set Task Sequence Varable

  1. Add a Install Roles and Features step
    1. Select your Operating System within the step
    2. Mark .NEt Framework 3.5 (Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

InstallRoles step MDT

Is it that simple? Yes!

NOTE: If you want to use a Run Command Line to install it, you could use something like this: DISM.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:”%deployroot%\Operating Systems\Windows 8.1 x64 Enterprise VL\Sources\SXS” /LimitAccess

Intel NUC adding the missing SMBIOS information

Today I encountered the Intel NUC (NUC5i3RYH).

The task was simple, Add Drivers to WinPE & Create Driver Package for Windows 8.1

Unfortunately, the Intel NUC (NUC5i3RYH) was missing vital SMBIOS information ;(

The System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) defines access methods and data structures for BIOS that stores information on specific computers.

Example SMBIOS categories include:

  • Manufacturer
  • Product Name
  • Version
  • Serial Number
  • System SKU Number
  • System family
  • Chassis Asset Tag

I ran the following commandline: wmic csproduct get *

The result concluded that all information (except the SMBIOS GUID) was missing.

In my case, I needed the Product Name to match the actual model number – The info is needed to apply a specific driver package for the model using Configuration Manager or MDT

The Product Name can be verified using commandline: wmic csproduct get name

When assigning drivers from the task sequence in Configuration Manager or MDT I usually use:

SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%TYPE%”

or for Lenovo

SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WHERE Version LIKE ‘%TYPE%’

So what to do?

Intel has released a tool to modify the bios: Intel® Integrator Toolkit (download:

Using the tool is pretty simple:

  1. Download and Install Intel® Integrator Toolkit
  2. Start the tool
  3. Select download and customize bios in the wizard
  4. Choose your model from the list
  5. Select your BIOS
  6. Click Download and customize
  7. In the SMBIOS tab add the info you need
  8. Click Save
  9. In File Menu, click Create BIOS Install Package
  10. Save your EXE file
  11. Now run the file on the model you need to update with the information – it works from within Windows or from Windows PE.

After the reboot you will need to confirm the BIOS upgrade.

The added information is now available for use

Windows 10 – Windows Updates troubleshooting

If you experience problems with Windows Updates and need to debug on the actual process, WindowsUpdates.log has always been a good place to start……… but not on Windows 10

According to Microsoft these steps are relevant only for the January Tech Preview of Windows 10.

Windows Update uses Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to generate diagnostic logs. This method improves performance and reduces disk space usage. However, the logs are not immediately readable as written. To decode the resulting ETL files and create a log that you can read, follow these steps.

  1. Download the public symbols by following the directions here. Install these symbols to a directory such as C:\symbols.
  2. Download the Tracefmt.exe tool by following the instructions here.
  3. Open a command prompt with administrative rights.
  4. Create a temporary folder, such as %systemdrive%\WULogs.
  5. Locate the directory that contains Tracefmt.exe, as downloaded and installed in step 2. Then, copy Tracefmt.exe to %systemdrive%\WULogs.
  6. Run the following commands at a command prompt, in the order presented:
    • cd /d %systemdrive%\WULogs
    • copy %windir%\Logs\WindowsUpdate\* %systemdrive%\WULogs\
    • tracefmt.exe -o windowsupate.log <each windows update log delimited by space> -r c:\Symbols

For example, the last line might resemble the following:

tracefmt.exe -o windowsupate.log Windowsupdate.103937.1.etl Windowsupdate.103937.10.etl -r c:\Symbols

Lucky for us, we don’t always need to dig deep – there is a deprecated logfile we can use for now (January Tech Preview) WindowsUpdate_AU_deprecated.log

Advanced Installer

For many years I’ve been working with Wise Package Studio, the best tool ever for application repackaging projects. Since Wise Package Studio is End of life – announced in December 2011. Now seemed like a good time to find a new tool, Flexera Admin Studio seemed like the obvious choice, but is rather expensive (still a great tool)

In some cases Orca ( would get the job done, but still would take a long time

I remembered coming across Advanced Installer at TechEd NA, so decide to have a look at the tool

There is a free trial from the website and also a free version:

Advanced Installer comes in multiple versions, I choose to test the Architect version, mainly because it had the following features highlighted

  • Repacker
  • App-V
  • SCCM
  • MSI Quick-Edit

My test of the product was a great success !

Today I will recommend this product to my customers looking to repackage or edit MSI’s, it has a nice and intuitive interface, much like Wise Package Studio had 😉

Have a look at some of the videos from Advanced Installer on YouTube:



Application repackaging – Active Setup & Windows Installer Repair

If you repackage or deploy applications you need to know about Active Setup and Windows Installer Repair

The best methods are documented first, but also other alternative ways.

Method I

Active Setup Method:

This is one of the best practices in MSI Packaging which uses the native Active Setup behavior of Windows and Windows Installer HKCU keys repair techniques.

One should follow these specific steps while using this method:

  1. Make sure all HKCU keys in the MSI Package that we are creating are under structured component names like CurrentUser, CurrentUser1, etc.
  2. The Package author should be able to judge and set the key path for that Component properly.
  3. As per Microsoft Component guidelines, make sure the components containing HKCU keys are as few in count as possible, for example only one component (CurrentUser) with all HKCU keys with best key path set is the best practice.
  4. Create the following registry keys under the main hive:
  1. HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID of the MSI}
  2. ComponentID=PackageName_ComponentName
  3. StubPath=[SystemFolder]msiexec.exe /fu {Product Code of the MSI} /q
  4. Version=ProductVersion

The principle of Active Setup behavior is when a new user logs on for the first time, then the Active Setup will perform a checksum between HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID of the MSI} and HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID of the MSI}; and if the GUID is not present under HKCU, then it performs all actions which are under that main hive (StubPath, Version) and populates the GUID under HKCU. The main Advantage of Active Setup is it performs an action only once per User with the Checksum behavior by matching the entries under HKLM and HKCU.

Method II

Active Setup Method:

This method can be used for both MSIs and Non-MSIs

Create a silent SMS script or Wise Script (for eg:-Script.exe) which will create the needed HKCU registry entries for the application. Then place that EXE in the Application [INSTALLDIR] in your MSI Pkg or Executable binary memory.

Then create the following additional registry entries in the MSI Package or within the Script whichever is applicable:

HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID or AppName}





The Active Setup performs the regular checksum (comparison of entries under) HKLM and HKCU and if the respective unique GUID or AppName is not present under HKCU hive, then it will perform all actions (StubPath, Version) and populates the GUID or AppName under HKCU hive too. This is only once per user — for the first time — to populate HKCU hive.

Method I and method II use the Active Setup feature, and One should understand the advantages of one over the other. Method I requires source resiliency to populate HKCU keys, where as method II does not require this as the Script.exe does everything.

Method I and method II can be used in any scenarios like if Advertised entry points are present or NOT present.

Method III

Windows Installer repair method

Typically the body of the script will be;

Check for the existence of a Flag key under
HKCUSoftwareCompany NameApplications{ProductName][productversion]

If the key exists then quit else initiate the Windows Installer repair to populate HKCU keys:

Msiexec /fu {Product Code of the MSI} /q


And edit and create registry key (Basically a Flag Key which can be any key which your firm adopts)
* XYZ= Name of the organization Company
And keep this script exe in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun.

One should keep in mind that the /p switch can also be used to repair files (populate) user-specific data (Profile data) with the following syntax:

Msiexec /fup {Product Code Of the MSI) /q


Method IV

Silent empty exe with valid shortcut:

Create a silent empty exe and its Advertised shortcut and place both of them in the Application [INSTALLDIR]. And use them as entry points to trigger healing to populate HKCU keys.

Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager – Clients for Additional Operating Systems has been updated

The Clients for Additional Operating Systems allow you to manage Apple Mac, UNIX and Linux computers using System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Date Published: 10/23/2013
File name:
File size:
ConfigMgr Clients for Linux.exe 46.7 MB
ConfigMgr Clients for AIX.exe 115.7 MB
ConfigMgr Clients for HP-UX.exe 49.0 MB
ConfigMgr Clients for Solaris.exe 57.2 MB
ConfigmgrMacClient.msi 5.4 MB

Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager supports the management of Apple Mac clients. The client for Mac computers allows you to discover Mac OS X devices, collect inventory, manage settings, and deploy applications and patches using your Configuration Manager environment.
Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager supports the management of UNIX and Linux servers. The clients for UNIX and Linux extends the scope of your Configuration Manager environment to collect inventory, deploy software, and run reports about UNIX and Linux servers in your enterprise. The client operates as a workgroup client that is managed by Configuration Manager.
Mac Client: The following Mac versions are supported in this release:

  • Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
  • Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
  • Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

The following scenarios are supported through the Mac client in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Preview:

  • Discovery – Discovers Mac OS X system in Active Directory and through network discovery
  • Hardware Inventory – Provides hardware inventory and auditing of computers running Mac OS X, including a list of installed software similar to add/remove programs for Windows systems.
  • Settings Management – Ensures computers running Mac OS X comply with company policies using scripts and preference list management.
  • Application Deployment – Distributes required software via app model.
  • Software Updates Management – Distributes patches utilizing Software Distribution and Settings management features.

UNIX/Linux Client: The following UNIX and Linux versions are supported in this release.

  • AIX Version 7.1, 6.1, 5.3
  • Solaris Version 11, 10, 9
  • HP-UX Version 11iv2 , 11iv3
  • RHEL Version 6 , 5, 4
  • SLES Version 11, 10, 9
  • CentOS Version 6, 5
  • Debian Version 6, 5
  • Ubuntu Version 12.4 LTS, 10.4 LTS
  • Oracle Linux 6, 5

The following scenarios are supported by the UNIX and Linux clients:

  • Hardware Inventory – Hardware inventory can be viewed through Resource Explorer and can be used to create collections of UNIX and Linux computers.
  • Software Inventory – Through hardware inventory the list of natively installed software can be gathered from the UNIX and Linux computers – similar to add/remove programs for Windows systems.
  • Software Distribution – Deploy new software, update existing software and apply OS patches to collections of UNIX/Linux computers (using a package and program). Run arbitrary maintenance scripts on a collection of UNIX/Linux servers.
  • Secure and Authenticated Communications
  • Consolidated Reports


Task Sequence Fails in Configuration Manager if Software Updates Require Multiple Reboots


If a Configuration Manager Task Sequence that leverages the Install Software Updates step installs a software update that triggers multiple reboots, after successfully running the Install Software Updates task, the task sequence can fail with the following error message:

“Task Sequence environment not found”
To resolve this issue, we recommend that you apply any updates that require dual restarts by using the usual Software Updates feature of Configuration Manager instead of using task sequences. The following software updates were reported as requiring multiple restarts. This article will be updated as more updates are reported.

( )

MS13-081: Description of the security update for 2862330: October 8, 2013



A servicing stack update is available for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012



A servicing stack update is available for Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012: September 2013



A servicing stack update is available for Windows RT and Windows 8: June 2013


( )

Text in some core fonts appears blurred in Internet Explorer 9 on a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2


( )

Binary files in some USB drivers are not updated after you install Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Read the full article: