Authenticity of Petya decryption key confirmed

The author of the original Petya ransomware going by the name of Janus Cybercrime Solutions, has released the master decryption key of all past Petya versions.

This key can decrypt all ransomware families part of the Petya family except NotPetya, which isn’t the work of Janus.

Janus released the master key on Wednesday in a tweet that linked to an encrypted and password-protected file uploaded on

Malwarebytes security researcher Hasherezade cracked the file yesterday and shared its content:

Here is our secp192k1 privkey:
We used ECIES (with AES-256-ECB) Scheme to encrypt the decryption password into the “Personal Code” which is BASE58 encoded.

The key is tested and confirmed by Kaspersky Lab.

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