1. Backup the database.
2. Find the entries for the DP package share:
Select * from pkgservers where NALpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from pkgstatus where pkgserver like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from contentdpmap where serverpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from DPinfo where servername like ‘%<server>%’
3. Delete any entries from any of the above tables that point to the nonexistent share:
Delete from pkgservers where NALpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from pkgstatus where pkgserver like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from contentdpmap where serverpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from DPinfo where servername like ‘%<server>%’
Keep in mind – This metod is NOT supported by Microsoft