- Click on Start -> All Programs -> Accessories, and click on Command Prompt, or simply type Cmd in Start Search and hit Enter.
- Use the following TZUtil syntax to construct the command:TZUTIL <? | /g | /s TimeZoneID[_dstoff] | /l>
Parameters available is /? (displays usage information), /g (displays the current time zone ID), /s (sets the current time zone using the specified time zone ID, with the _dstoff suffix disables Daylight Saving Time adjustments for the time zone), and /l (lists all valid time zone IDs and display names).
For example:
TZUTIL /s “Pacific Standard Time”
TZUTIL /s “Pacific Standard Time_dstoff”
TZUTIL /s “GMT Standard Time”The last command will set the PC time zone to Greenwich Meridian Standard Time (GMT or UTC).
Tip: To get a list of available time zone IDs, type TZUTIL /l. – would have been nice in XP!