Installing PHP for IIS Using Microsoft Web Platform Installer Offline

You may need to install PHP for IIS using the offline installer

  1.  Download and install the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to a computer that has Internet access and to the server where PHP is to be installed. from
  2. Create a local folder for the WebInstallerCache
  3. WebPICMD.exe /List /ListOption:All >C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline\Products.txt
  4. Review the Products.txt for needed products to install.
    I needed PHP54, PHPManager and SQLDriverPHP54IIS
  5. Run the following commands from the computer with internet access
    1. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
    2. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
    3. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
  6. Copy the WebPIOffline folder to the server without internet access
  7. Run the following commands from the computer without internet access to install the products
    1. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHP54 /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
    2. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHPManager /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
    3. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:SQLDriverPHP54IIS /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml

Products should now be installed and you can continue with your configuration

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