Script prerequisites for Windows PowerShell:
1. A minimum Windows PowerShell version of ‘7.2’ is required to run this script. The script automatically checks for and installs module if needed.
2. Windows 365 Cloud PC Management PowerShell Module must be installed on local machine. The script automatically checks for and installs module if needed.
3. Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module must be installed on local machine. The script automatically checks for and installs module if needed.
4. An Azure AD user that has an admin consent permission, if needed, to approve the following permissions in Microsoft Graph application in Azure AD apps:
CloudPC.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All
Username to add to Windows 365 Cloud PC
.PARAMETER UsersListPath
CSV file path containing a list of users to add to Windows 365 Cloud PC. Sample file contents:
———- Windows PowerShell Continued
Azure AD group name to add users to
.\Add-CloudPCUser.ps1 -Username [email protected] -Group IT -Verbose
.\Add-CloudPCUser.ps1 -UsersListPath c:\temp\users.csv -Group Sales -Verbose
Direct link: Add-CloudPCUser.ps1
Github – https://github.com/ThomasMarcussen/assortedScripts/
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