URLs for Microsoft Online Services BPOS

These tables provide important URLS for Microsoft Online Services. You can add them to your Favorites menu in Windows Internet Explorer to ensure that you have them when you need them.

Global URLs

The following global URLs provide access to the appropriate regional portals regardless of where you are located.

Administration Center https://admin.microsoftonline.com
My Company Portal https://home.microsoftonline.com
Customer Portal https://mocp.microsoftonline.com/site
Partner Administration Center * https://partner.microsoftonline.com

* The Microsoft Online Services Partner Administration Center is for authorized Microsoft Online Services partners to assist Microsoft Online Services customers. The Partner Administration Center is not accessible to most users.

Outlook Web Access URLs

Your Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access (OWA) URL is determined by the storage location of your Microsoft Online Services data. The storage location is generally the one closest to your company headquarters.

Asia Pacific (APAC) https://red003.mail.apac.microsoftonline.com/owa
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) https://red002.mail.emea.microsoftonline.com/owa
North America https://red001.mail.microsoftonline.com/owa

Mobile Device URLs

Your mobile device URL is determined by the storage location of your Microsoft Online Services data. To connect to Microsoft Exchange Online, your cellular service plan must support Windows Mobile.

Asia Pacific (APAC) https://red003.mail.apac.microsoftonline.com
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) https://red002.mail.emea.microsoftonline.com
North America https://red001.mail.microsoftonline.com

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