After last weeks post with the script sample to list Packages that run in user context, there where some good feedback from people still using packages, and requiring a list of packages that install within the user context (Run with user’s rights / Execution mode as user)
It seemed that many was still using Packages, either as a result of legacy migration or to avoid some application re-packaging.
So here is the followup post, with a new script to list all packages and package with programs that run in user context.
From my point of view, its still the same; Using PSADT pretty much any package can be converted to be installed as system, and the needed stuff (registry keys, files etc) in the user context can be added in a structured and controlled way.
I do still come across some applications that i would prefer to have in MSI with all settings etc added, at least for simplicity, for those packages I still prefer to use Advanced Installer.
When talking Advanced Installer, they also have a great support for MSIX, that makes to process so much easier and cost efficient.
This script will list all packages with programs, that is configured to install as user (within the user context)
All you need to do is configure the path to your import module and set the site code.
A file will be created in “C:\TEMP\Packages_and_Programs_Run_Mode_List.csv” with the following format:
“Package Name”,”Package ID”,”Program Name”,”Run with USER’s right”
“My Application”,”BB10001D”,”execute”,”TRUE
With the example above we have a package ‘My Application’ that has a run mode configured: Run with user’s rights

Download the script from TechNet Gallery –
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