Disabling Task Sequence Notification Balloons in ConfigMgr 2007

Notification balloons seem to be a frequent topic of feedback from customers. There may pop up too often, or only certain users should get them, or the timing isn’t configurable enough.

Lately we’ve had multiple customers asking for a very specific feature. The AdminUI for SCCM provides the ability to disable notification balloons for normal Software Distribution packages, but not for Task Sequences.

While there are currently no plans to modify the AdminUI to add this ability, all of the necessary logic is already present in the client code; you just have to go out of your way to enable it. If the ability to disable notification balloons for Task Sequences is something that would be beneficial in your environment then you can use the script below to automate the process.

The example below needs to be run on a site server by a user who has sufficient permissions in SCCM to modify the Task Sequences in question. Running the example with no command line arguments will provide usage instructions.

There is no guarantee or warranty associated with this example. Make sure you test any utility before using it in a production environment; and, as always, make sure that you are running frequent backups and that you test the restoration procedure on a regular basis to ensure that the backups are valid.


Option Explicit On

If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then
WScript.Echo “Usage:”
WScript.Echo ”    DisableTSNotification.vbs -all”
WScript.Echo ”    DisableTSNotification.vbs PackageID [PackageID]…”
End If

Dim strComputer
Dim siteCode
Dim objWMIService
Dim colItems
Dim objItem
Dim packageID
Dim itemFound
Dim numPackages
Dim numUpdated

strComputer = “.”
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts://” & strComputer & “/root/sms/site_” & siteCode)

If StrComp(UCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)), “-ALL”, 1) = 0 Then
numPackages = 0
numUpdated = 0
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“SELECT * FROM SMS_TaskSequencePackage”, “WQL”, 32)
For Each objItem in colItems
If (objItem.ProgramFlags AND 1024) = 0 Then
objItem.ProgramFlags = objItem.ProgramFlags OR 1024
numUpdated = numUpdated + 1
WScript.Echo “Modified package ” & objItem.PackageID
End If
numPackages = numPackages + 1
WScript.Echo “Updated ” & numUpdated & ” of ” & numPackages & ” packages”
For Each packageID in WScript.Arguments
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“SELECT * FROM SMS_TaskSequencePackage WHERE PackageID='” & packageID & “‘”, “WQL”, 32)
itemFound = false
For Each objItem in colItems
If (objItem.ProgramFlags AND 1024) = 0 Then
objItem.ProgramFlags = objItem.ProgramFlags OR 1024
WScript.Echo “Modified package ” & objItem.PackageID
WScript.Echo “No need to update package ” & objItem.PackageID
End If
itemFound = true
If itemFound = false Then
WScript.Echo “ERROR: Package ” & packageID & ” was not found on this server”
End If
End If

Function GetSiteCode()
Dim objSWbemLocator
Dim objSWbemServices
Dim ProviderLocation
Dim Location
Dim strSiteCode

objSWbemLocator = CreateObject(“WbemScripting.SWbemLocator”)
objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(“.”, “rootsms”)
ProviderLocation = objSWbemServices.InstancesOf(“SMS_ProviderLocation”)

For Each Location In ProviderLocation
If Location.ProviderForLocalSite = True Then
strSiteCode = Location.SiteCode
End If

GetSiteCode = strSiteCode
End Function


Changing the name or description on secondary sites

How to change name or description on secondary sites without having to reinstall…..

  1. Stop the SMS executive service.
  2. Open the C:Program FilesSCCMInboxesSiteCtrl.Boxsitectrl.cto file.
  3. At the top of the file , you find the sitecode and below that you’ll find the site desciption.
  4. Change the name and save the file.
  5. Restart the SMS Exec service.
  6. The site name or description has changed.

Keep in mind, this method is NOT supported by Microsoft !

ConfigMgr SP1/SP2 Now Supports SQL 2008 R2

This and other support announcements located here:


Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is now supported on Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and SP2 and Configuration Manager 2007 R2

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and SP2 now support Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 as a Configuration Manager 2007 site database.  System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services.

No software updates are required.

Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 Service Pack 2 is now supported on Configuration Manager 2007 R2 with Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 with System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 now supports Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 Service Pack 2.

No software updates are required.

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 is now supported with Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 2.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 now supports client installation and all site server roles in the Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 virtualization environment.

No software updates are required.

Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 is now supported on Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 now supports Windows Embedded 2011 as a client platform.  General limitations for managing Windows Embedded devices can be found in this article, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb932123.aspx,

No software updates are required.

.NET Framework 4.0 is now supported with Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and SP2.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and SP2 now support the .NET Framework 4.0 with the following limitations.


  • Forcing the system to use only the .NET 4.0 CLR by enabling the following registry key is not supported.





  • .NET Framework 2.0 is required to be installed on Windows XP and Windows 2003 in order for the Desired Configuration Management (DCM) feature to check compliance.



No software updates are required.

Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6 is now supported with the Application Compatibility Toolkit Connector.

The Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) Connector now supports ACT 5.6.  Limitations and workarounds for upgrade issues from ACT 5.5 are documented in the following blog post:  http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2010/06/20/act-connector-and-act-5-6.aspx

No software updates are required.

Software Updates from ConfigMgr 2007 not working on clients

Error from WUHandler.log:

Its a WSUS Update Source type ({B4F31904-A2D1-411C-AF25-9C68F7969A31}), adding it.
Existing WUA Managed server was already set (http://<SOMESERVER>:8530), skipping Group Policy registration.
Added Update Source ({B4F31904-A2D1-411C-AF25-9C68F7969A31}) of content type: 2
Async searching of updates using WUAgent started.
Async searching completed.
OnSearchComplete – Failed to end search job. Error = 0x8024401b.
Scan failed with error = 0x8024401b.

Error from WindowsUpdates.log:

1284 804 PT WARNING: GetConfig failure, error = 0x8024401B, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code = 407
1284 804 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x8024401b
1284 804 PT WARNING: GetConfig_WithRecovery failed: 0x8024401b
1284 804 PT WARNING: RefreshConfig failed: 0x8024401b
1284 804 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x8024401b
1284 804 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x8024401b
1284 804 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 8024401b.


And this is wierd!

Change the site system FQDN to lowercase (Site Database -> Site Management -> Central Site -> Site Settings -> Site Systems -> <siteserver> -> ConfigMgr Site System)

Restart the Windows Update Service on the client computer

Initiate the Software Update Scan Cycle and you are go!

Configuration Manager 2007 supported SQL Versions

Following is an overview of the Configuration Manager 2007 support for the different SQL Server versions:

SQL Server 2005:

  • ConfigMgr RTM and SP1 support SQL 2005 SP2 and SP3. Currently, no hotfix is required.
  • ConfigMgr R2 supports SQL 2005 SP2 and SP3, with hotfix 959975.

SQL Server 2008:

  • ConfigMgr RTM supports upgrading an existing SQL 2005 site database to SQL 2008, with hotfix 955229; but does not support new installation using a SQL 2008 instance to host the site database.
  • ConfigMgr SP1 supports SQL 2008, with hotfix 955262.
  • ConfigMgr R2 supports SQL 2008, with hotfix 957576 and 959975.

SCCM Right Click Tools a Trojan? – Symantec’s Virus Definitions Have Gone Crazy…

After a look at the forums, it seems that Symantec’s virus definitions dated June 21, 2010 r2 have identified various components of the awesome SCCM Right Click Tools (which i personally couldn’t survive without) as “Trojan.Gen” Since this is a generic detection name “for many individual but varied Trojans for which specific definitions have not been created. A generic detection is used because it protects against many Trojans that share similar characteristics” this has to be a false positive. This is just another example of how definition based anti-virus tools are a out dated concept.

Deleting Orphaned Distribution Points From SCCM Packages

1. Backup the database.

2. Find the entries for the DP package share:

Select * from pkgservers where NALpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from pkgstatus where pkgserver like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from contentdpmap where serverpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Select * from DPinfo where servername like ‘%<server>%’

3. Delete any entries from any of the above tables that point to the nonexistent share:
Delete from pkgservers where NALpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from pkgstatus where pkgserver like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from contentdpmap where serverpath like ‘%\<server>%’
Delete from DPinfo where servername like ‘%<server>%’

Keep in mind – This metod is NOT supported by Microsoft

cannot remove or reinstall site server system


SMS Site Component Manager failed to deinstall all SMS server components from site system “\servername“.

SMS Site Component Manager failed to reinstall this component on this site system.

If logging is enabled for the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER service, entries similar to the following are found in the SmsLogsSitecomp.Log file:

Starting service SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_RIVIERA with command-line arguments “RE0 E:SMS /deinstall \LUXORE$SMSbini386smsexecd.exe”…
Execution of “\LUXORE$SMSbini386smsexecd.exe /deinstall /siteserver:RIVIERA” on server LUXOR failed: The file “\LUXORE$SMSbini386smsexecd.exe” does not exist.
Bootstrap operation failed.
Bootstrap operations aborted.
Deinstallation failed and will be retried in the next polling cycle.Could not start service SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_LUXOR. The operating system reported error 997: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.
Bootstrap operation failed.

To work around this issue, follow these steps.
  1. If a recent backup of the SMS directory exists, restore the SMS folder to the CAP. Stop and restart the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER service on the Site Server to force a Site Component Manager update cycle.In some cases the Site Component Manager will still be unable to remove (deinstall) or reinstall the CAP. In this situation, remove the CAP role from the server (if reinstallation is being attempted). The Site Component Manager will attempt to remove the CAP role from the CAP server for 1440 minutes (24 hours), and then it will time out. After the Site Component Manager has timed out, the errors will cease and you can attempt reinstallation can be attempted if you want to. If a 24-hour wait is not feasible, proceed to step 2.
  2. If a 24-hour wait is not feasible, the removal timeout process can be accelerated by modifying an SMS registry key.To accelerate the CAP removal timeout, modify the following registry value:
    HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftSMSComponentsSMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGERComponent ServersSERVERNAMEDeinstallation Start Time

    Change the value of Deinstallation Start Time to 1. Stop and restart the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER service on the Site Server to force a Site Component Manager update cycle. The Site Component Manager log should indicate the deinstallation process has timed out as follows:

Bootstrap operation failed.
Bootstrap operations aborted.
Deinstallation failed. Deinstall retry interval of 1440 minutes exceeded.
Component assumed to be deinstalled; deinstallation will not be retried.

MP Control Manager installation fails

The error:

MP Control Manager detected MPsetup has failed to create the CCM_Incoming Virtual Directory.

Possible cause: The IIS IWAM account has expired, been disabled, or has invalid or too restrictive logon hours. You may verify this information by running the net user command line for the IWAM account.  (i.e.: “net user IWAMMachineName)
Solution: Use the output to verify that the account is enabled, and logon is possible during the time of installation.  Note:  You can use “net user” to modify the account properties.

Possible cause: The IIS IUSR account has expired, been disabled, or has invalid or too restrictive logon hours. You may verify this information by running the net user command line for the IUSR account.  (i.e.: “net user IWAMMachineName)
Solution: Use the output to verify that the account is enabled, and logon is possible during the time of installation.  Note:  You can use “net user” to modify the account properties.

Possible cause: The designated Web Site is disabled in IIS.
Solution: Verify that the designated Web Site is enabled, and functioning properly.


This worked for me:
1. Remove BITS
2. Reboot
3. Add BITS
4. Trigger installation (Stop and Start SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER using the ConfigMgr Service Manager)