All front-ends will receive the following updates within the next month
Software Portal will be made available
Live ssl connection will be part of the new and updated client
Peer cache will be supported on all versions
For many years BIOS has been the industry standard for booting a PC. BIOS has served us well, but it is time to replace it with something better. UEFI is the replacement for BIOS, so it is important to understand the differences between BIOS and UEFI. In this section, you learn the major differences between the two and how they affect operating system deployment.
BIOS has been in use for approximately 30 years. Even though it clearly has proven to work, it has some limitations, including:
As the replacement to BIOS, UEFI has many features that Windows can and will use.
With UEFI, you can benefit from:
UEFI Version 2.3.1B is the version required for Windows 8 and later logo compliance. Later versions have been released to address issues; a small number of machines may need to upgrade their firmware to fully support the UEFI implementation in Windows 8 and later.
In regard to UEFI, hardware is divided into four device classes:
Microsoft started with support for EFI 1.10 on servers and then added support for UEFI on both clients and servers.
With UEFI 2.3.1, there are both x86 and x64 versions of UEFI. Windows 10 supports both. However, UEFI does not support cross-platform boot. This means that a computer that has UEFI x64 can run only a 64-bit operating system, and a computer that has UEFI x86 can run only a 32-bit operating system.
There are many things that affect operating system deployment as soon as you run on UEFI/EFI-based hardware. Here are considerations to keep in mind when working with UEFI devices:
To follow-up on my earlier post “Deploying Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview with MDT 2012 Update 1 Preview” Let’s try to do a little automation to make the deployment experience a little smoother.
We just need to do a little configuration within the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 Preview.
The first thing that comes to mind is, when we PXE/media boot our client.
We are shown the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Welcome Wizard. We need to click Run the Deployment Wizard to install a new Operating System.
Note that in this picture is also the option to set Default Keyboard layout for Windows PE as well as a Static IP. I’m going to assume that we always have DHCP in place and accessible for our clients.
To skip the Welcome Wizard:
Next up – User Credentials Prompt
This is where need to type in the credentials for the Deployment Share. This is the last prompt before we start processing data from the Deployment Share – so we need to edit bootstrap.ini again
We are now taken directly to the Task Sequence wizard
Let suppose that we only have and need one task sequence job – lets automate this step as well
Changes will be a bit easier this time, hence we don’t need to update the ISO or PXE media each time – we are now working with CustomSettings.ini
You should now be brought directly to the Computer Details page
I’m going to keep this window visible for the computer naming part, but it can of course be skipped. It will require two skip options:
You could also just prepopulate the fields in CustomSettings.ini for either Domain or Group
It will automatically use the account used to connect the network share, you can for obviously reasons use a different account
The great part of working with CustomSettings.ini is that there is no need to rebuild boot media – changes are effective immediately – go ahead and give it a try
When you boot your client again with the latests additions, we have arrived at Move Data and Settings:
The default option for this step is: Do not move user data and settings, If we where to just skip this step, the outcome would be no data and settings backup
Some other configuration options are:
Configure CustomSettings.ini and boot the client again – you could also just click next, BUT we know that testing is good, and more testing is better! 😉
Next up is the Locale and Time Zone selection
The valid skip options:
I’m going to configure the optional options just as default
If you ready and retry – you should now only be prompted with a “Ready to begin” and a blank details section, don’t see any need for this page, so let’s just skip this as well
This can be skipped with the follwing option:
Let try it out! 🙂
Hopefully you have achieved an automated installation progress now
The IT Organization and Running Package name can also we changed, here is an example that includes the current date and tasksequence ID using a variable – can of course just be static text.
Here is a snip of my CusomSettings.ini and Bootstrap.ini – yours should look similar to this
TimeZoneName=Pacific Standard Time
SkipSummary=Yes #day(date) & “-” & month(date) & “-” & year(date)#
Have fun deploying! 🙂
Start the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Workbench
Now we have the a deployment share to work from – Now we need some data
Let’s start by importing Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview
If you haven’t already downloaded the iso – get it though the Windows Insider Program (
Now let’s go ahead and create Task Sequence to install this nice vanilla version of Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview
So now we got the task sequence ready – so what’s next?
Let’s start the creation of the needed boot images (or either ISO or PXE boot)
Browse to your Deployment Share in Windows Explorer
Locate the boot folder – We now have the newly generated boot files. Wim files if we want to PXE boot using Windows Deployment Services, or ISO if we want to use a Boot CD.
I’m going to copy the LiteTouchPE_x64.iso to my Hyper-V host, so I can test boot a VM.
Let’s boot and see what happens
We are now being presented with the Deployment Wizard Welcome screen
If we to automate or just plain and simple skip this window
Now we are connect to the deployment share – all changes needed from heron out is done within the task sequecen, CustomSettings.ini or within the Deployment Share
The computer is now being installed with the Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview
Automating the process will be covered in another post, as well as adding applications and customizing J
If you experience problems with Windows Updates and need to debug on the actual process, WindowsUpdates.log has always been a good place to start……… but not on Windows 10
According to Microsoft these steps are relevant only for the January Tech Preview of Windows 10.
Windows Update uses Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to generate diagnostic logs. This method improves performance and reduces disk space usage. However, the logs are not immediately readable as written. To decode the resulting ETL files and create a log that you can read, follow these steps.
For example, the last line might resemble the following:
tracefmt.exe -o windowsupate.log Windowsupdate.103937.1.etl Windowsupdate.103937.10.etl -r c:\Symbols
Came across this great post by Keith Garner ( on Microsoft Social forum
Its the most thorough debugging guide I’ve seen on drivers in MDT
How to debug Network Driver Problems
One of the earliest hurdles an MDT administrator will come across is the management of device drivers, specifically networking drivers. With most other drivers, like Audio, printer, and video drivers, a quick call to Windows Update or install over the network will resolve the Installation. However unless the Network (and storage) Drivers are installed into Windows from the start, it will be much more difficult to install the rest of the system.
This post should help you get started if you find a machine that did not install a device driver properly, and you want to know how to find and import the correct drivers.
Installing network drivers in the full OS
Windows will install the driver starting with the *.inf install package, and will typically include a *.sys (binary) and a *.cat (digital Signature). If the driver package has been re-packaged into a *.cab, *.zip, or other compressed *.exe file, the package must be extracted first. This is a hard requirement for any driver used by MDT and/or SCCM. All driver packages that are signed by Microsoft (WHQL) will be installed from the *.inf file, and you should only use devices that have the Microsoft WHQL Logo as a sign of quality.
If you need a help on where to find driver packages for your devices, the 3 largest Computer OEM manufacturers supply drivers grouped by Make and Model that are easily imported into MDT and SCCM. See:
Installing Network Drivers in WinPE
Further Help
If you are still having problems with drivers in via MDT, ask the experts in the MDT Technet Forum:
For many years I’ve been working with Wise Package Studio, the best tool ever for application repackaging projects. Since Wise Package Studio is End of life – announced in December 2011. Now seemed like a good time to find a new tool, Flexera Admin Studio seemed like the obvious choice, but is rather expensive (still a great tool)
In some cases Orca ( would get the job done, but still would take a long time
I remembered coming across Advanced Installer at TechEd NA, so decide to have a look at the tool
There is a free trial from the website and also a free version:
Advanced Installer comes in multiple versions, I choose to test the Architect version, mainly because it had the following features highlighted
My test of the product was a great success !
Today I will recommend this product to my customers looking to repackage or edit MSI’s, it has a nice and intuitive interface, much like Wise Package Studio had 😉
Have a look at some of the videos from Advanced Installer on YouTube:
If you repackage or deploy applications you need to know about Active Setup and Windows Installer Repair
The best methods are documented first, but also other alternative ways.
Method I
Active Setup Method:
This is one of the best practices in MSI Packaging which uses the native Active Setup behavior of Windows and Windows Installer HKCU keys repair techniques.
One should follow these specific steps while using this method:
The principle of Active Setup behavior is when a new user logs on for the first time, then the Active Setup will perform a checksum between HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID of the MSI} and HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID of the MSI}; and if the GUID is not present under HKCU, then it performs all actions which are under that main hive (StubPath, Version) and populates the GUID under HKCU. The main Advantage of Active Setup is it performs an action only once per User with the Checksum behavior by matching the entries under HKLM and HKCU.
Method II
Active Setup Method:
This method can be used for both MSIs and Non-MSIs
Create a silent SMS script or Wise Script (for eg:-Script.exe) which will create the needed HKCU registry entries for the application. Then place that EXE in the Application [INSTALLDIR] in your MSI Pkg or Executable binary memory.
Then create the following additional registry entries in the MSI Package or within the Script whichever is applicable:
HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{GUID or AppName}
The Active Setup performs the regular checksum (comparison of entries under) HKLM and HKCU and if the respective unique GUID or AppName is not present under HKCU hive, then it will perform all actions (StubPath, Version) and populates the GUID or AppName under HKCU hive too. This is only once per user — for the first time — to populate HKCU hive.
Method I and method II use the Active Setup feature, and One should understand the advantages of one over the other. Method I requires source resiliency to populate HKCU keys, where as method II does not require this as the Script.exe does everything.
Method I and method II can be used in any scenarios like if Advertised entry points are present or NOT present.
Method III
Windows Installer repair method
Typically the body of the script will be;
Check for the existence of a Flag key under
HKCUSoftwareCompany NameApplications{ProductName][productversion]
If the key exists then quit else initiate the Windows Installer repair to populate HKCU keys:
Msiexec /fu {Product Code of the MSI} /q
And edit and create registry key (Basically a Flag Key which can be any key which your firm adopts)
* XYZ= Name of the organization Company
And keep this script exe in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun.
One should keep in mind that the /p switch can also be used to repair files (populate) user-specific data (Profile data) with the following syntax:
Msiexec /fup {Product Code Of the MSI) /q
Method IV
Silent empty exe with valid shortcut:
Create a silent empty exe and its Advertised shortcut and place both of them in the Application [INSTALLDIR]. And use them as entry points to trigger healing to populate HKCU keys.