Using a 3.Party IM Client with Office 365 or Lync?

Of course!

I’ve been using Pidgin for ages…

In Pidgin I’m able to run the following protocols

  • -XMPP (facebook)
  • Office Communicator (for Lync and O365)
  • Skype
  • Skype for Business
  • ICQ
  • ….. and lots more.. see the full list at Pidgin Thirdparty plugins

You should try it, if you like me prefer to keep your conversation history’s together and sorted.

One thing i’ve noticed, for some reason Office 365 (Lync or now Skype for Business) requires me to use a specific user agent(!) so….having problems getting it to work? Maybe you see:

Connection refused with error message
“You are currently not using the recommended version of the client”
“You have been rejected by the server:”

Cry no more!

Here is a list of user agents and versions you can emulate, and it works great! Just modify your connection profile, under advanced, type one of the following user agent values..

Version / Product User Agent values (as seen in the wild)
Lync 2013 and Office 365 UCCAPI/15.0.4481.1000 OC/15.0.4481.1000 (Microsoft Lync)
UCCAPI/15.0.4420.1017 OC/15.0.4420.1017 (Microsoft Lync)
Lync 2010 and Office 365 UCCAPI/4.0.7577.314 OC/4.0.7577.314 (Microsoft Lync 2010)
UCCAPI/4.0.7577.256 OC/4.0.7577.280 (Microsoft Lync 2010)
Office Communicator 2007 R2 UCCAPI/3.5.6907.206 OC/3.5.6907.206 (Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2)
UCCAPI/3.5.6907.0 OC/3.5.6907.0 (Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2)
Office Communicator 2007 UCCP/2.0.6362.111 OC/2.0.6362.111 (Microsoft Office Communicator)
UCCP/2.0.6362.97 OC/2.0.6362.97 (Microsoft Office Communicator)
Office Communicator 2005 LCC/1.3.5371 (Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 1.0.559.0)
LCC/1.3.5371 (Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 1.0.559.232)

Join Mac OS X to Active Directory

Simple script to join a Mac to domain






# Enable SSH

echo “Enabling SSH”

systemsetup -setremotelogin on

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist

# Add computer to Active Directory

echo “Adding computer to Active Directory”

dsconfigad -preferred $HOST -domain $DOMAIN -u $ADUSERNAME -p $ADPASS

MCT Program Requirements Update – effective September 2015

MCT Program Requirements Update – effective September 2015:

Current MCT Program Renewal Requirements: (/learning page)

  • Possess a current Microsoft Certification or qualification eligible for the MCT program.
  • Meet the minimum instruction quantity of at least 1 class in the previous 365 days as validated by Metrics that Matter (MTM).
  • All Microsoft training (not just MOC) will be recognized as credit toward program renewal as long as it can be measured in Metrics that Matter (MTM)* – NEW
  • Meet the minimum instruction quality of an average instructor score of at least 7 as validated by MTM.*
  • You can check your MTM records by following these steps.
  • If you taught classes but didn’t use MTM you can add the course to MTM.

*The existing exception process will still apply for ITA, Academic, Microsoft Employee (FTEs) MCTs

Changes for MCT Program Entry/Renewal– New: The MCT Program is updating our order management system to be more efficient and to better serve your needs. In doing so, we are making the following changes:

  • MCT Renewal Window Extended to 90 Days
    • The renewal window for MCTs and MCT Alumni has been extended from 30 days to 90 days. MCTs and MCT Alumni can now start to renew their membership 90 days prior to their anniversary date. All MCTs and MCT Alumni will be receiving email renewal reminders 90, 60, 30, and 15 days prior to their anniversary date.
  • Currencies and Payment Types – effective September 2015
    • Currencies to be supported will be US Dollar (USD), British Pound (GBP), Australian Dollar (AUD), Euro (EUR),and Japanese Yen (JPY)
    • Payment methods supported will be Credit Card and PayPal


For any questions, please refer here.


Media Creation Tool for Windows 10

If you need to install or reinstall Windows 10, You can use the Media Creation Tool to create a installation media using either a USB flash drive or a DVD.

You will be able to create a media for the following Windows 10 versions

Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Home N
Windows 10 Home Single Language
Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Pro N
x86 & x64

Download: Media Creation Tool x86 or Media Creation Tool x64

For Enterprise editions please visit Volume Licensing Service Center

Access Director 3.0 Released

The future of Windows is coming on July 29

To make your next Windows experience even better – We have just released the next version of Access Director.                                                                                               Using Access Director you will be able to secure your desktop, simple and easy!

– Run your desktop in a non-elevated user context
– Elevate only needed applications with a single click
– Elevate in your current user-context without affecting other unsecured applications like IE or Office

What’s in Access Director 3.0 ?

– Updates to support the next Windows experience (10)
– Support for integration modules
– Minor bug fixes

Get it from the Download Center

Direct Download Link

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 with MDT 2013 the simple way

In my case I need to automate the installation of .NET 3.5 within a MDT 2013 build and capture task sequence for Windows 8.1

In the State restore add a step to set the WindowsSource Path
The Windows Source will be located within the Operating Systems folder on your Deployment Share

  1. Add a Set Task Sequence Variable step
    1. Type Task Sequence Variable: WindowsSource
    2. Type Value for your source files: %deployroot%\Operating Systems\Windows 8.1 x64 Enterprise VL\Sources\SXS

Set Task Sequence Varable

  1. Add a Install Roles and Features step
    1. Select your Operating System within the step
    2. Mark .NEt Framework 3.5 (Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

InstallRoles step MDT

Is it that simple? Yes!

NOTE: If you want to use a Run Command Line to install it, you could use something like this: DISM.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:”%deployroot%\Operating Systems\Windows 8.1 x64 Enterprise VL\Sources\SXS” /LimitAccess

Installing UniFi controller in Debian 7 (wheezy)

Installing UniFi controller in Debian

1. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
# Ubiquiti UniFi updates
deb debian ubiquiti

2. Add GPG keys
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv C0A52C50
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv 7F0CEB10

3. Run the following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unifi

It should now start and be running at https://:8443/


You might have to modify the path in for java in /etc/init.d/unifi                                                I had to change this from JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk to  JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64

UniFi Controller default TCP ports:

unifi.shutdown.port=8081 (for management purpose)
unifi.http.port=8080 (device inform)
unifi.https.port=8443 (controller UI / API)
portal.http.port=8880 (portal redirect port for HTTP)
portal.https.port=8843 (portal redirect port for HTTPs)
unifi.db.port=27117 (local-bound port for DB server)

And UDP port 3478.

Installing mFi controller in Debian 7 (wheezy)

I’ve been running the mFi controller on a Windows server, but wanted to move it to my Debian box – The install for Windows is quite simple, click and run – but for Debian a few more steps is required, so here is what I did to get it up and running

I am running Debian 7 (7u2 – Wheezy)

1. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
## Debian Wheezy (7.0)
deb debian ubiquiti

2. add GPG Key
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv C0A52C50

3. Run the following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mfi

It should now start and be running at https://<yourserver>:6443/

NOTE: If your not already running MongoDB, The installation guide can be found here Install MongoDB on Debian