As technology continues to evolve, businesses like yours are constantly looking for solutions that can give them that little bit extra. What may appear to be small innovations will eventually add up to give you significant advantages over other organizations.
One area where businesses stand to gain massively concerns cloud-based management solutions. The potential benefits of using solutions like Microsoft Intune include getting access to excellent features, enhanced security, and improved endpoint management among others.
IT admins will get to work better because they have the flexibility to oversee users and their various devices, even if they are personally owned. Considering all there is to gain, we need to take a look at why and how your organization should be migrating to the cloud.
Why Microsoft Intune?
If your organization has a well-run IT infrastructure, why should you even consider Microsoft Intune? What do you stand to gain? The most obvious answer would be that if your organization wants the best in endpoint management, then you would be hard-pressed to find a better solution than Intune.
Over time, Intune has firmly established itself as a leading device management solution that will offer you seamless application integration for all your various devices. It gives your IT admins the capability to ensure that all the devices and apps that employees are using are fully compliant with your organization’s security requirements.
Mobile devices have evolved to the point where they are now very much capable of performing most and in some cases all of the functions needed to do our jobs. This has inevitably created the need for the mobile device management features that Intune can offer. IT admins can monitor these devices and thus enforce organizational security policies.
This gives businesses the flexibility to empower their employees to use their respective mobile devices for work-related purposes without compromising the security of their networks. Such policies can potentially increase productivity by enabling employees to use the devices of their choice as well as work remotely.
It would be hard to advocate for Microsoft Intune without mentioning the issue of cost-effectiveness. We can go on and on about all the benefits that Intune can offer, but cost can ultimately decide for you.
Fortunately, choosing Intune is a decision that could help you reduce IT costs. Switching to a cloud-native management system will mean your business spends less on physical hardware as well as on-premises IT management systems.
This reduction in physical infrastructure will allow your organization to reallocate resources elsewhere and therefore operate with even greater efficiency.
Preparing for the future
Considering the changes we have witnessed in the tech landscape in just the last fifteen years alone, we should always be looking to future innovations. Organizations need to be in a position to take full advantage as each next big innovation rolls out.
To do that, going cloud-native would offer you the best approach. By fully transitioning to the cloud, you can put your organization in a position to fully benefit from better insights, AI analytics, as well as the multitude of other capabilities that AI can deliver.
Furthermore, using a cloud-native approach can help you centralize data which in turn will make it easier for AI to manage this data and produce actionable insights. This may help organizations enhance their security by getting a better grasp of potential future threats.
Considering new possibilities
Getting someone to change the way they do things can often be an incredibly difficult challenge. And this applies to both personal and professional life. Regardless of the benefits to gain from migrating to the cloud, it may be difficult to inspire change. If an IT team has put in the effort to create a well-designed and efficient IT infrastructure, it’s going to be hard to convince them to consider alternative solutions.
At this point, businesses will need to evangelize users who can truly highlight the beauty of the changing tech landscape and encourage their IT teams to expand their visions.
It’s going to take more than a simple presentation to convince people that they are potentially missing out on some significant innovations. Rather than simply forcing change on people, proving to them how they stand to benefit from the changes a solution like Microsoft Intune can bring, may work a lot better.
As individuals grow more familiar with the amazing endpoint management capabilities that Intune can offer, you may start to see a greater willingness to change their mindset.
Of great importance, however, is to exercise patience and not expect to see an immediate change in how people approach things. Let them experience for themselves the value that going cloud-native will give them.
Implementing changes
Once you get the ball rolling concerning changing the mindset, it’s important to start looking at how exactly you can start making the necessary changes. Even as more and more recognize the benefits of making the transition, the pathway to achieving that may still cause some trepidation.
Fortunately, the feedback that Intune receives from its clients will go a long way in helping others move forward. IT professionals need to realize that the dependable key information flow processes they use will remain intact.
According to those who have successfully migrated, one of the best ways to smoothen the transition is by establishing small pilot programs and then rolling out changes incrementally. With that done, you can place at the forefront of the project individuals who have fully bought in and are willing to help bring others to a similar vision.
Doing it this way enables you to minimize any negative outcomes while simultaneously maximizing the effect that the small wins give your organization. As long as your advocates continue to communicate clearly every step of the way, you should have a much easier time implementing changes.
Working together
An important reason why Microsoft Intune has taken its capabilities to another level over the last decade can probably tie to the constant back and forth with clients. The team at Intune embarked on a process of trying to simplify things for users. They did so after discovering the challenges presented by the power and flexibility of Intune.
The various options and configurations available may be difficult for clients to master and what they often want are simple instructions telling them exactly what they need to do.
To address the concerns that clients have raised, the support team has offered what they are calling a one-size-fits-most guidance. This system provides organizations with the necessary tools to configure the basic settings required to make endpoints more secure and productive with Intune.
Clients will also be happy to discover that the Microsoft Intune documentation hub has been streamlined. There is a focus on highlighting the guidance system thereby further simplifying the implementation process.
Additionally, even more support is available from the Intune Tech Community. This team consists of fellow IT admins and support professionals.
Integration with other services
Microsoft offers its clients a wide array of products and services that enable organizations to provide their employees with the best possible tools. Having such an ecosystem means that end-users can produce to the best of their abilities with everything they need availed to them. Microsoft Intune plays a key role in this through its integration with other products and services that aim to help in endpoint management such as:
Configuration manager
This platform is ideal for on-premises end-point management and Windows Server. It’s a service that will help you increase the productivity and efficiency of your IT teams, maximize both software and hardware investments, and empower your end-users by ensuring they get what they need when they need it.
Configuration Manager offers you a powerful management application that will help you better manage every device in your organization. Using both Intune and Configuration Manager together can be a great way for those who are still hesitant about going fully cloud-native to gradually make the transition at their own pace.
Windows autopilot
Windows Autopilot gives you a service developed to eliminate the provisioning challenges that have plagued organizations in the past. With Autopilot, you can provision new devices and send them directly to users from an OEM or device provider.
Thus, what you will get is a greatly simplified deployment and provisioning process that can deliver a custom out-of-the-box experience with an easy self-service configuration process. Not to mention how features like zero-touch, self-service deployments can make life easier for IT admins.
Endpoint analytics
Endpoint Analytics delivers valuable insights that enable your business to assess how it is operating as well as evaluate the quality of the experience that users are getting. By going over this data, your organization can quickly identify policies or hardware issues that are negatively impacting end-users. Doing this allows you to be proactive in dealing with problem areas and thus maintain consistent productivity levels.
Additionally, this service will give your organization better visibility concerning frequently encountered problems such as long boot times. Often, these issues tend to persist unnecessarily simply because IT doesn’t have the necessary insights.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 is undoubtedly one of the best cloud-powered productivity platforms that you can get. Signing up for this service will give you excellent end-user productivity Office apps such as Outlook, Teams, Sharepoint, OneDrive, and more. And one of its most attractive features is that you can use it anywhere.
You can easily install it on PCs, Macs, tablets, and phones. You can easily use Microsoft Intune to deploy Microsoft 365 apps to the users and devices in your organization. Furthermore, the continuous support that you get means that you will always have the most up-to-date modern productivity tools that Microsoft offers.
Microsoft defender for Endpoint
All of the services we have gone over in this section will require excellent security features and that is what Defender for Endpoint offers. It gives your organization the capabilities to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to threats. By going through Intune, you get the option of creating a service-to-service connection between Intune and Defender for Endpoint. Each organization can customize the compliance policies it uses to ensure that it establishes what it considers to be an appropriate level of risk. And when you combine this with Conditional Access features, you can prevent access to organizational resources by any devices that fall short of your compliance regulations.
Expanding the vision
As we’ve already discussed, there are plenty of benefits that you can gain from using Microsoft Intune. But, what’s even better is that within the Microsoft ecosystem, there is so much that your organization can take advantage of. And one of the solutions that has been growing in popularity over the last few years is the Windows 365 Cloud PC.
Clients will be able to leverage the Microsoft Intune admin center to use their Cloud PCs. The latter provides the opportunity to stream Windows 10 or Windows 11 onto almost any device, thereby offering users the ability to take their desktops anywhere.
In a world where the attraction of remote work is constantly growing, having the option of the Windows 365 Cloud PC can be key to bringing in top talent to your organization. Following the pandemic a few years ago, once business operations started to normalize, there were plenty of people who realized that they would actually prefer having the option to work part-time or even full-time from home.
For organizations that have decided that this is something they can do, leveraging Microsoft Intune to go cloud-native would offer arguably the best way to do it. From there, you can tap into the Cloud PC environment and offer your employees powerful, secure desktops they can use from anywhere.
What does the Cloud PC do for your organization?
We’ve talked a bit about Intune and why your organization should consider going for a cloud-native approach. But, what about the Windows 365 Cloud PC? In addition to what you get with Intune, the Cloud PC offers plenty of benefits that will enhance work solutions in the cloud.
One that most businesses will appreciate is the flexibility that is provided allowing organizations to select a plan that is most ideal for them. Not only that, but you are not permanently stuck with the option that you pick. Depending on the needs of end-users, you’ll be able to scale your operations up or down as you see fit.
Whenever the issue of remote work comes up, security is going to be a massive concern for businesses. This is why the Windows 365 team has gone to great lengths to ensure maximum data protection for end-users and their organizations.
The Cloud PC takes full advantage of Zero Trust principles to assure clients that their data will have very high-level security. To further strengthen the security of the platform, clients are recommended Conditional Access as well as Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication.
Another concern that clients would understandably have has to do with integrating specific applications with the Cloud PC. For IT admins in particular, losing control over how they manage devices is a real concern. Fortunately, when it comes to Windows 365, compatibility with your existing applications should not be a problem.
It’s because the Cloud PC’s design supports any apps you may have been using on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, should work on Windows 365 as well. And in case you encounter any challenges, you will be able to get assistance via the Fast Track App Assure program.
If you’re trying to convince people about a new service, your job will be significantly harder if the platform is complex and therefore difficult to navigate. With the Windows 365 Cloud PC, however, the platform aims to ensure simplicity. Even from the initial setting up, organizations won’t need to bring in specialist IT personnel to configure their Cloud PCs.
And once that’s done, IT admins can continue to manage and deploy endpoints similarly to how they’ve been doing all along. End-users as well won’t face any huge challenges because they will continue using the same applications.
Enrolling devices in Microsoft Intune
Having looked at what Intune can offer your organization, the next step is to go over what you need to know about enrolling devices. Together with Microsoft Entra ID, Intune will facilitate a secure, streamlined process for the registration and enrolment of all devices that require access to your organization’s resources. You can start using Intune for endpoint management once users and devices have been registered within your Microsoft Entra ID (tenant).
During the enrolment process, Intune will install a Mobile Device Management (MDM) certificate on the enrolling device. It’s this certificate that will handle communication with the Intune service and thus enable Intune to begin enforcing organizational policies such as:
- Compliance policies designed to help users and devices meet the organization’s rules.
- Enrollment policies that determine the number or types of devices someone can enroll.
- Configuration profiles that configure work-appropriate features and settings on the devices.
Policy details
Generally, you should expect policies to deploy during the enrolment process. However, certain groups that may have more sensitive roles within the organization will often require stricter policies.
So, what a lot of organizations will first do is create a baseline of required policies for users and devices. Once you’ve established this baseline, you can start building on it depending on the use cases as well as the needs of various groups.
Devices running Android, iOS/iPadOS, Linux, MacOS, and Windows will all be eligible for enrolment in Intune as long they are running a supported version of the OS. By default, you’ll find that enrolment is enabled for all platforms.
But, if the need arises, you can use an Intune enrolment restriction policy to restrict certain platforms. Microsoft Intune enables mobile device management for both personal devices and corporate-owned devices.
Personal devices
In this category, the devices being referred to are personally owned PCs, tablets, and mobile phones. In bring-your-own-device (BYOD) scenarios, these personal devices can be MDM enrolled in Intune. Because of the supported enrollment methods, employees or students can use personal devices for work or school tasks.
IT admins will need to add device users in the Microsoft Intune admin center, configure their enrollment experience, and then set up Intune policies. Once that’s done, the device user needs to navigate to the Intune Company Portal app to start and complete the enrolment.
Corporate-owned devices
This category includes the same type of devices – PCs, tablets, and mobile phones. Except in this case, these devices are owned by the organization and then given out to employees or students for use at work or school.
For these types of devices, Intune offers organizations more granular settings and policies. You should expect to find more password settings for corporate-owned devices thus enabling you to enforce stricter password requirements. Devices that meet specific criteria will be automatically marked by Intune as corporate-owned.
Wrap up
At this point, we have all witnessed the increase in cloud usage by companies of all sizes. The various platforms available have been able to offer businesses an increasing array of capabilities that are constantly improving.
Solutions like Microsoft Intune can now provide powerful endpoint management systems that allow organizations exceptional flexibility and scalability. These capabilities will allow businesses to operate their IT infrastructure more efficiently and provide end-users with the tools to thrive.
To cater to different businesses and where they may be on their journey, Intune gives you pathways that you can take as you migrate to the cloud. You can choose what works for you from co-management until you get to full cloud-native. There is much to be gained from leveraging the cloud not only right now but as we look at all the future innovations currently in development.