You may need to install PHP for IIS using the offline installer
- Download and install the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to a computer that has Internet access and to the server where PHP is to be installed. from
- Create a local folder for the WebInstallerCache
- WebPICMD.exe /List /ListOption:All >C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline\Products.txt
- Review the Products.txt for needed products to install.
I needed PHP54, PHPManager and SQLDriverPHP54IIS - Run the following commands from the computer with internet access
- WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
- WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
- WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
- Copy the WebPIOffline folder to the server without internet access
- Run the following commands from the computer without internet access to install the products
- WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHP54 /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
- WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHPManager /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
- WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:SQLDriverPHP54IIS /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
Products should now be installed and you can continue with your configuration