The new LAB and home datacenter

Finally i managed to setup the new lab and home-datacenter.

Due to several home limitations (cost of power, space and noise)

The decision was clear:

1 x Intel NUC Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK

2 x G.Skill Ripjaws4 SO DDR4-2133 DC – 16GB

1 x USB 3.0 to Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter NIC w/ USB Port

2 x Samsung NVMe SSD 960 EVO 1 TB

1 x Samsung USB 3.0 Flash Drive FIT 32GB

The NUC can run RAID 0 and 1 on the internal NVMe drives, i’m going for RAID 0 (Stripe)
This is where it gets a bit interesting.. Mostly i’m going to run VM’s within Hyper-V.
Hyper-V and deduplication that is… of course.

I needed to move the OS to another disk, for maximum storage.
Keep in mind, deduplication will not run on OS/System disk.

This is where the USB Flash Drives comes in handy, Windows Server 2016 can run directly on that, leaving me with 2 full NVMe drives in RAID 0 and deduplication – YAY!

that’s the hardware part 🙂




The follow up post is here:

Authenticity of Petya decryption key confirmed

The author of the original Petya ransomware going by the name of Janus Cybercrime Solutions, has released the master decryption key of all past Petya versions.

This key can decrypt all ransomware families part of the Petya family except NotPetya, which isn’t the work of Janus.

Janus released the master key on Wednesday in a tweet that linked to an encrypted and password-protected file uploaded on

Malwarebytes security researcher Hasherezade cracked the file yesterday and shared its content:

Here is our secp192k1 privkey:
We used ECIES (with AES-256-ECB) Scheme to encrypt the decryption password into the “Personal Code” which is BASE58 encoded.

The key is tested and confirmed by Kaspersky Lab.

Disable SMB1 on Windows

Disable SMB1 on Windows

To defend yourself against WannaCrypt and other ransomware it is imperative that you disable SMB1 as well as install the patches released by Microsoft.

Open Control Panel > Programs & Features > Turn Windows features on or off.

In the list of options, one option would be SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support. Uncheck the checkbox associated with it and press OK.

You can also use powershell

Set-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters” SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 –Force

On Windows servers you can use the Powershell command: Remove-WindowsFeature FS-SMB1

Protect Yourself Against Petya Ransomware

The malware requires administrator rights to the local computer. Standard users should not have this in permission. Consider restricting who has local admin rights to prevent execution of exploit code within organisations. Home users should also consider using a Standard User Account for day-to-day operations.

Access Director can help you by removing permanent local admins.

Recommendations for Enterprises

  • Deploy the latest Microsoft patches, including MS17-010 which patches the SMB vulnerability.
  • Consider disabling SMBv1 to prevent spreading of malware.
  • Educate end-users to remain vigilant when opening attachments or clicking on links from senders they do not know.
  • Ensure you have the latest updates installed for your anti-virus software.
  • Ensure you have backup copies of your files stored on local disks. Generally, user files on local drives are replicated from a network share
  • Prevent users from writing data outside of designated areas on the local hard disk to prevent data loss if attack occurs.
  • Operate a least privileged access model with employees. Restrict who has local administration access.

Petya does not encrypt files. it encrypts the Master File Table, which is the index of where all the files are stored on a hard disk drive.

“Petya uses the NSA Eternalblue exploit but also spreads in internal networks with WMIC and PSEXEC. That’s why patched systems can get hit.”
Mikko Hypponen confirms, Chief Research Officer at F-Secure.

PT Security, a UK-based cyber security company and Amit Serper from Cybereason, have discovered a Kill-Switch for Petya ransomware. According to a tweet, company has advised users to create a file i.e. “C:\Windows\perfc” to prevent ransomware infection.


Installing PHP for IIS Using Microsoft Web Platform Installer Offline

You may need to install PHP for IIS using the offline installer

  1.  Download and install the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to a computer that has Internet access and to the server where PHP is to be installed. from
  2. Create a local folder for the WebInstallerCache
  3. WebPICMD.exe /List /ListOption:All >C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline\Products.txt
  4. Review the Products.txt for needed products to install.
    I needed PHP54, PHPManager and SQLDriverPHP54IIS
  5. Run the following commands from the computer with internet access
    1. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
    2. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
    3. WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:PHP54 /Path:C:\TEMP\WebPIOffline
  6. Copy the WebPIOffline folder to the server without internet access
  7. Run the following commands from the computer without internet access to install the products
    1. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHP54 /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
    2. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:PHPManager /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml
    3. WebPiCmd.exe /Install /Products:SQLDriverPHP54IIS /XML:C:\WebPIOffline\feeds\latest\webproductlist.xml

Products should now be installed and you can continue with your configuration

Install Spotify for Kodi (Krypton Jarvis)

I prefer to use Kodi on my Raspberry pi, its simple and running very well.
Unfortunately there is no native support for Spotify – Marcel van der Veldt to the rescue.

Marcel put up a nice music add-on for Spotify, it even works very will with Spotify Connect/Streaming devices.

  1. Download and copy the Marcelveldt Repository zip file to your Kodi box
  2. Open Kodi -> System -> Add-ons – > Install from zip file (if you copyed to another folder then the repository folder, the use “browse in root file system”)
  3. Install and wait for add-on enabled notification
  4. Go to install add-on from repository and select Marcelveldt’s Beta Repository.
  5. Select Music Add-ons
  6. Select Spotify
  7. Select Install
  8. Wait for add-on enabled notification
  9. Select Spotify
  10. Select Configure
  11. Add your Spotify username and Password
  12. Reboot

..And you’re done! 🙂

You can access your Spotify playlists from music add-ons.
Your device will also be visible for streaming to/from – I tested it from my iPhone 7, works great! 🙂




Multiple subdomains with LetsEncrypt? YES!

Need to add multiple subdomains with LetsEncrypt?
maybe Certificate for WWW and non-WWW?

do a dry run, to test it

./certbot-auto certonly -d -d -d -d -d –dry-run

I tested it with apache2 works great!

Windows 10 hangs after patches May/17 (Windows Defender & Trend Micro)

There seems to be an issue with Trend Micro and Windows Defender after Windows/ Defender patches has been applied.

The quick workaround is to deploy are registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
The dword value should be 1: DisableAntiSpyware

In case it does not exist, go ahead and create it.
Restart and you should see things start working again.

If you have the issue, you should be able to deploy it using Group Policy Preferences.

NOTE: You can also enter safe mode and create the needed key.

Reference links:


ConfigMgr 2012 Application Catalog Web Service Point broken after OS upgrade

Upgrading your ConfigMgr from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2 ?
I have had a couple of cases, within the past moth.

.NET seems to break after the OS upgrade.
During some troubleshooting on a not working Application Catalog Web Service Point

  • Clients with new software center, did show some applications (but only a few/old from a synchronisation before the upgrade)
  • Trying to access Application Catalog Web Site gave an error:
  • Cannot Connect to the application server
  • No errors in the Application catalog website or service point installation files

So if we dig in to <CMInstallDrive>:\Program FIles\SMS_CCM\CMapplicationCatalogSVC\Logs\ServicePortalWebService.log did show some error:

[11, PID:7048][05/04/2017 12:12:23] :System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type ‘System.Runtime.Diagnostics.ITraceSourceStringProvider’ from assembly ‘System.ServiceModel.Internals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’.

The error is related to broken/corrupt .NET

The solution:
Download and install: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer)