Managed Home Screen: What Your Should Know

It doesn’t take too long as you go through the latest tech news and updates to realize just how badly lax security could affect your organization. All nefarious actors need is a small opportunity. And your business may end up paying dearly. This is where Managed Home Screen comes into play.

Hence the need to implement the best possible security measures that you can. And when you use platforms such as Managed Home Screen (MHS), you’ll get excellent features that will help you enhance your overall security.

The platform will give your organization the ability to customize and control Android Enterprise dedicated devices. This allow for restricted access to only what a user may require. As we continue our deep dive into Managed Home Screen, we will end up with a clearer idea of how this platform can best serve your interests.

What to know about general availability

In a previous article, we discussed the updated features that Microsoft introduced to the Managed Home Screen experience. There are a few things that businesses should know about general availability.

To begin, you should be aware that with the general availability of the updated MHS experience, all previous MHS workflows will be obsolete. Not only that, but support will no longer be available for these previous workflows. The new updated features will not be added to previous workflows, as well.

However, admins can still move to the updated experience by setting Enable updated user experience to “true” for 90 days. But, after the 90 days, the app configuration will be removed, and all devices will need to start using the updated MHS experience.

Below are some of the new capabilities recently added for the updated experience:

  • Brightness Slider and Adaptive Brightness – with this tool, IT admins will be able to expose a setting that enables users to access a brightness slider to adjust the device screen brightness. Moreover, IT admins can also expose a setting that allows users to turn adaptive brightness on and off on the device.
  • Autorotation – this next tool helps IT admins expose a setting that is designed to enable users to turn on and off the device’s autorotation.
  • Domain-less Login and Custom Login Hint Text – another feature coming to the updated experience will be support for domain-less sign-in. Admins can configure domain names which will then be automatically added to usernames when signing in. In addition, MHS will begin providing users with a custom login hint string on the sign-in screen.
  • Session PIN Inactivity Timer – in scenarios where a device has been inactive for a specified period of time, IT admins can leverage this feature to demand users to enter their session PIN to resume activity on Managed Home Screen.

Why is Managed Home Screen making changes?

With the updates that have been made to Managed Home Screen, one may be wondering what’s behind all the changes. And the simple reality is that the new features were needed. Applications need to keep improving if they are to meet the ever-evolving needs of businesses.

It goes without saying, but the competition among players in the tech space is brutal. A new application or service can be introduced to the market, and if it can do the job far more efficiently, then you may find yourself losing clients.

Moreover, organizations are now acutely aware that there are nefarious actors constantly looking for vulnerabilities in their systems and if they find any it can be catastrophic for their businesses. Updates can address any existing performance issues and vulnerabilities that may potentially exist.

In addition, new features will also address productivity issues that your business has to deal with. As technology continues to evolve, organizations like yours will be looking to improve their products and services. Updates allow you to harness the latest and very best features for your applications. This will also give your team a better user experience overall. And ultimately, your business can operate more efficiently.

Furthermore, newer updates can help you get even better performances from your devices. At one point or another, we’ve all probably had the frustrating experience of an app crashing. It’s never a pleasant experience and can result in some lost work progress. By updating your applications, you can significantly reduce the chances of these occurrences.

Benefits of Managed Home Screen’s new features

The improvements that Managed Home Screen has made will have benefits for both IT admins as well as end users. These advantages include:

  • Closing the security gap – enhancing your security features means that you reduce potential attack areas. Also, it’s significantly harder for hackers to carry out successful attacks. This is something that will complete by requiring end users to enter their session PIN to resume activity on Managed Home Screen. This is after the device has been inactive for a specified period. Having this feature reduces the risk of unauthorized personnel gaining access to a device when the user is not using it. To set it up, you need to set the “Minimum inactive time before session PIN is required” setting to the number of seconds the device is inactive before the end user must input their session PIN.
  • Quicker resolution of issues – if the troubleshooting process is ineffective, it can cause endless downtime and that’s not good for business. MHS improved that process by introducing a feature that will give users access to a debug menu. This includes the pages for Get Help, Exit Kiosk Mode, and About. What this does is give users the ability to go to the Get Help page and easily upload logs. Moreover, users will be able to view Management Resources. It allows them to launch adjacent management apps whenever necessary. With the appropriate support available, your organization can quickly address any performance issues. You can also ensure productivity levels remain optimal.
  • Improve ease of use – one of the best ways to help users work more efficiently is to enable them to have the option to customize certain settings to their liking. Undoubtedly, the immediate concern would be about the risk of increasing vulnerabilities. But, the solution to that is to restrict what users can customize. This provides that they still get the benefits of personalized apps and devices while maintaining high security standards. One of those settings that users can now change is device screen brightness.

Additional benefits of Managed Home Screen

With the updated features, you can expose settings in the Managed Home Screen app to adjust screen brightness for Android Enterprise devices. You’ll have the option of exposing a setting in the app to allow end users to access a convenient brightness slider to adjust the device screen brightness. Furthermore, you’ll now also be able to expose a setting to allow end users to toggle adaptive brightness.

  • Simplified setup – few things can help users be more productive than using an application with a clean look and access to everything you need. This is what MHS is aiming for with the addition of a top bar. Users will now have quick access to device-identifying information. You get the option to configure this top bar as you see fit. And there will be two descriptive elements available for display. IT admins get to select between serial number, device name, and tenant name for the top and bottom elements in situations where the device is not configured with sign-in.

The top bar will also give quick access to settings as well as the sign-out button. The settings wheel icon sits in the upper right-hand of the top bar. And tapping this icon will display the settings that the IT administrator has selected to reveal to users within MHS settings. Another advantage you can expect is that this settings icon will be located on the top bar by default. And to avoid compromising security, IT admins still get to pick which settings a user can configure. Or they can disable it altogether by enabling or disabling the configuration key “Show managed settings”.

Enhanced security measures for dedicated devices

As we know by now, Managed Home Screen works on devices enrolled into Intune as Android Enterprise dedicated devices. With the increasing sophistication of today’s cyber attacks, organizations need to ensure that their security is of the highest standard.

Bearing that in mind, in this section, let’s take a look at some of the settings that can improve security for fully managed, dedicated, and corporate-owned work profile devices.

Screen capture (work profile-level)

Enabling “Block” will not only stop you from taking screenshots, but will also prevent content from being shown on display devices without a secure video output. However, you should be aware that this setting is set to “Not configured” by default, and Intune doesn’t modify it. You should also know that if the default settings allow, the OS might let users capture the screen contents as an image.

Camera (work profile-level)

Enabling “Block” will prevent access to the device’s camera. Again, you should note that this setting is set to “Not configured” by default and Intune doesn’t change it. Another thing that is important for security is that Intune only manages camera access but doesn’t have access to pictures or videos. The OS may also, by default, allow access to the camera.

Default permission policy (work profile-level)

The objective of this setting is to define the default permission policy for requests for runtime permissions, and the options you have are the following:

  • Default (default) – Use the device’s default setting.
  • Prompt – Users see a prompt to approve the permission.
  • Auto grant – Permissions grant automatically.
  • Auto deny – Permissions are automatically denied.

Date and Time changes

Enabling “Block” will stop users from manually setting the date and time. Additionally, you should note that this setting is set to “Not configured” by default, and Intune doesn’t change it. This will also mean that if the OS default settings permit, users may be able to set the date and time.

Roaming data services

Enabling “Block” will prevent data roaming over the cellular network. And as before, this setting defaults to “Not configured,” and Intune doesn’t change it.

Wi-Fi access point configuration

Enabling “Block” will stop users from creating or changing any Wi-Fi configurations. Additionally, you should note that this setting defaults to “Not configured” and Intune doesn’t change it. As we’ve also seen before, if the OS default settings permit, users may be able to change the Wi-Fi settings on the device.

Bluetooth configuration

Enabling “Block” will stop users from configuring Bluetooth on the device. Additionally, you should note that this setting defaults to “Not configured,” and Intune doesn’t change it. As we’ve also seen before, if the OS default settings permit, using Bluetooth on the device may be possible.

Tethering and access to hotspots

Enabling “Block” will prevent tethering and access to portable hotspots. And again, this setting defaults to “Not configured,” and Intune doesn’t change or update it. Take note that the OS might allow tethering and access to portable hotspots by default.

USB file transfer

Enabling “Block” will prevent transferring files over USB. And again, this setting defaults to “Not configured,” and Intune doesn’t change or update it.

External media

Enabling “Block” will prevent using or connecting any external media on the device. And again, this setting defaults to “Not configured,” and Intune doesn’t change or update it. Take note that the OS might allow file transfers by default.

Beam data using NFC (work-profile level)

Enabling “Block” is going to prevent the use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to beam data from apps. On the other hand, if set to “Not configured“, which is the default setting, Intune will not change or update the setting. However, you should not forget that the OS might allow using NFC to share data between devices by default.

Developer settings

Enabling “Allow” will let users access developer settings on the device. On the other hand, if set to “Not configured,” which is the default setting, Intune will not change or update the setting.

Microphone adjustment

Enabling “Block” will stop users from unmuting the microphone and adjusting the microphone volume. However, if set to “Not configured,” which is the default setting, Intune will not change or update the setting.

Factory reset protection emails

You need to select Google account email addresses. Then, you need to provide the email addresses of device admins who can unlock the device after it’s wiped. When entering the email addresses, make sure to separate them with a semi-colon e.g.,; Note that these emails will only apply in scenarios during a non-user factory reset, like running a factory reset using the recovery menu. And as with previous settings, if set to “Not configured,” which is the default setting, Intune will not change or update the setting.

System update

To determine how the device handles over-the-air updates, you’ll need to pick from the following options:

  • Device Default (default) – stick to the device’s default setting, meaning that when the device connects to Wi-Fi, is charging, and is idle, the OS updates automatically. For app updates, the OS first checks that the app is not running in the foreground.
  • Automatic – implements an automatic update process without user involvement.
  • Postponed – updates postpone for a period of 30 days, at the end of which users receive a prompt to install the update. For critical security updates, however, device manufacturers or carriers may block their postponement.
  • Maintenance Window – also provides an automatic update process but that occurs during a daily maintenance window that you set in Intune. If the installation tries and fails for 30 days, you will subsequently see a prompt to perform the installation. This setting will apply to OS and Play Store app updates.

Freeze periods for system updates

This one is optional. If you are going to set the System update setting to Automatic, Postponed, or the Maintenance window, then you must use this setting to create a freeze period:

  • Start date – provide a start date using the MM/DD format and it can be up to 90 days long.
  • End date – provide an end date using the same MM/DD format and it can be up to 90 days long.

Take note that all incoming system updates and security patches will be blocked during the freeze period. And this also includes manually checking for updates.


Enabling “Block” will disable the Location setting on the device and prevent users from turning it on. However, it’s worth noting that disabling this setting will affect every setting that also relies on device location. This includes the Locate device remote action that admins use. On the other hand, if set to “Not configured,” which is the default setting, Intune will not change or update the setting.

When to enroll devices as dedicated devices

One of the things that may have a lot of people wondering is the issue of when exactly you should be looking at enrolling a device as a dedicated device. According to the information available from Microsoft, Intune’s Android Enterprise dedicated device solution is for clients who want their Android devices enrolled with no user-affinity.

On top of that, this device solution requires that the device runs Android OS 8+ and should be able to connect directly to Google Mobile Services (GMS). Below are the three main scenarios that Intune envisions for dedicated devices:


Typically locked into one application that shows viewers desired information. A good example of this would be the train schedules or flight schedules that you may see at the train station or airport respectively. In these particular situations, there will be zero-to-minimal physical user interaction.


In this case, we’ll be looking at a situation of locked into a single application or multiple applications and used for specific tasks. What you then have is a setup where the device is not privy to who is using it or where. We can see an example of how this would work with package delivery drivers.

As they clock into their shift, the delivery driver receives a device. This devices helps to navigate to their location, scan packages, and complete other role-based tasks. Once the driver completes their tasks, the device can then be returned for the next delivery driver to use.


In the third scenario, we’re looking at locked into a single app or a set of apps, and used for specific tasks. Users need to sign in on at least a single application on the device and unlike the previous scenario, the apps in this case will need to know who is using the device and when.

The general recommendation for this scenario is to enable Shared Device mode. For instance, you can look at a factory setup where a device may used by multiple people, such as shift workers, maintenance staff, delivery drivers, etc.

So, every individual using the device will get the same apps and policies, but the key difference is that the relevant information displayed by the apps will vary from person to person, depending on their sign-in information.

Wrap up

As a business, it’s crucially important to always be on the lookout for applications and services that can give you an advantage. Something that can improve the quality of what your organization is producing by enhancing worker efficiency. For Managed Home Screen clients, the platform improvements can offer such benefits.

You get features that help you maintain high security standards by allowing IT admins to put in place any necessary restrictions. But, even with these restrictions, end users will still get quicker access to what they need, faster resolution of issues, and a more streamlined workflow.

Windows Autopatch: Guide to Setup and Configuration

Most businesses have several technologies that they use to help their employees operate at the highest levels of efficiency. Without them, your ability to provide high-quality products and services would be severely hindered.

But, all these devices and the associated operating systems and applications need maintenance for them to work the way they were designed to. They need regular attention as well as updates and security patches. This is so businesses can fully benefit from their productivity tools.

Windows Autopatch gives you a great solution for your Microsoft products by automating the update process. Additionally, it simplifies the maintenance process for you. In this article, we’ll be going over how your business can set up this must-have solution.

What is Windows Autopatch?

Let’s start by explaining what exactly Windows Autopatch is and what it does. According to the Windows Autopatch page:

Windows Autopatch is a cloud service that automates Windows, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Teams updates to improve security and productivity across your organization.”

One of the key reasons this solution is a much-needed tool is that the process of implementing updates is not entirely seamless for a lot of organizations. IT admins are responsible for ensuring your organization’s devices get all the necessary updates upon release. And they’re responsible for overseeing that everything is working as it should.

So, even though Microsoft provides regular updates for its products and services, the task can sometimes be challenging and very time-consuming. Therefore, with a solution like Autopatch, IT admins can save a lot of time on the update processes. They can additionally cut time in positioning the overall security posture of the business, leading to improvements.

I’m sure most would agree that this is an excellent feature to have, given the increasing sophistication of cyber attacks. Additionally, end users will be able to work more efficiently with fewer distractions. Moreover, your IT personnel will potentially have a lot more time on their hands for dedicating to more productive tasks.

The role of Autopatch services

From what we have seen over the last year, we know that Windows Autopatch can manage your updates for you. But, you still need to know what exactly Autopatch will be responsible for regarding those updates. This is why it’s not too surprising that a lot of IT admins are hesitant about using Autopatch. They have concerns about losing control over their devices.

To simplify the rollout of the different updates, Windows Autopatch will place devices into groups based on their software and hardware configurations. Doing it this way enables suitable test machines to receive updates first. And if all goes well, broader deployments can proceed as well. Not only is this a crucial step for evaluating updates, but it can help alleviate some of the concerns that IT admins have.

Below is a list of what Autopatch will be responsible for updating:

  • Windows 10 and Windows 11 quality
  • Windows 10 and 11 features
  • Windows 10 and 11 drivers
  • Windows 10 and 11 firmware
  • Microsoft 365 apps for enterprise updates

In addition to the above list, Windows Autopatch will also be responsible for patching drivers and firmware that are only published to Windows Update as automatic. Also, in terms of how Windows Autopatch operates, there are four deployment rings. The first one caters to a few of your company’s devices, and the second one is responsible for 1% of these devices. The third and fourth rings will contain 9% and then 90% of the organization’s devices respectively. 

Setting up Windows Autopatch

The process of setting up Windows Autopatch includes several steps that we will be discussing in this section.


LicensingWindows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (or higher) in addition to Azure Active Directory Premium and Microsoft Intune.
ConnectivityAll Windows Autopatch devices require dedicated connectivity to multiple Microsoft service endpoints across the corporate network.
Azure Active DirectoryThe source of authority for all user accounts needs to be Azure AD. Or, the user accounts can be synchronized from on-premises Active Directory using the very latest supported version of Azure AD Connect to enable Hybrid Azure Active Directory to join.
Device managementAll devices must be registered with Microsoft Intune, be connected to the internet, have a Serial number, Model and Manufacturer, and must be corporate-owned. Furthermore, the target devices will need to have Intune set as the Mobile Device Management (MDM) authority or co-management must be turned on.


  • Proxy configuration – Windows Autopatch needs to reach certain endpoints for the various aspects of the Windows Autopatch service. Network optimization can be done by sending all trusted Microsoft 365 network requests directly through their firewall or proxy.
  • Proxy requirements – should support TLS 1.2, and if not, then you may need to disable protocol detection. 
  • Required URLs –




  • Delivery optimization – Microsoft recommends configuring and validating Delivery Optimization when you enroll into the Windows Autopatch service.


The first step in this next stage will require you to verify that you’ve met all the requirements discussed at the beginning of this section.

With that done, you’ll now need to run the readiness tool. This checks the settings in both Intune and Azure AD and verifies that they work with Autopatch. To access this readiness assessment tool, head over to the Intune admin center and select Tenant administration in the left pane. Once there, go to Windows Autopatch > Tenant enrollment. When the check is done, you’ll get one of four possible results: Ready, Advisory, Not ready, or Error. And if this check is showing any issues with your tenant, then your next step will involve fixing the issues picked up by the readiness assessment tool.

If everything is in order and the readiness assessment tool has given you the “Ready” result, then you can proceed and enroll the tenant. You’ll find the “Enroll” button that you need to select within the readiness assessment tool. Once you select this option, it will start the process of enrolling your tenant into the Windows Autopatch service. You’ll see the following during the process:

  • Consent workflow to manage your tenant.
  • Provide Windows Autopatch with IT admin contacts.
  • Setup of the Windows Autopatch service on your tenant. This step is where the policies, groups, and accounts necessary to run the service will be created.

Your tenant will be successfully enrolled upon completion of these actions. And then, after all this is done, you can delete the collected data by the readiness assessment tool if you want. To do so:

  • Head over to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
  • Go to Windows Autopatch > Tenant enrollment.
  • Select Delete all data.


After you have finished the process of enrolling your tenant, you can move on to the addition and verification of admin contacts. Windows Autopatch has several ways of communicating with customers. And there’s a requirement to submit a set of admin contacts when onboarding. Each specific area of focus should have an admin contact. This provides that the Windows Autopatch Service Engineering Team has a contact for assistance with the support request. These areas of focus are given below.

Area of focusDescription
DevicesDevice registration Device health
UpdatesWindows quality updates Windows feature updates Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise updates Microsoft Edge updates Microsoft Teams updates

To add the admin contacts, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to the Intune admin center.
  • Head over to the Windows Autopatch section, find Tenant administration, and then select Admin contacts.
  • Select Add.
  • Now, you need to provide all the necessary contact details. This includes name, an email, phone number, and language of choice.
  • Choose an area of focus and provide information about the contact’s knowledge and authority in this particular area.
  • Click Save and then repeat the steps for each area of focus.


  • Windows Autopatch groups device registration

Autopatch groups will start the device registration process for devices that aren’t yet registered using your existing device-based Azure AD groups. This is instead of the Windows Autopatch Device Registration group. Windows Autopatch will support a couple of Azure AD nested group scenarios, namely Azure AD groups synced up from:

  • On-premises Active Directory groups (Windows Server AD)
  • Configuration Manager collections
  • Clean up dual state of Hybrid Azure AD joined and Azure registered devices in your Azure AD tenant

For an Azure AD dual state to occur, a device needs to be initially connected to Azure AD as an Azure AD registered device. And then, when you enable Hybrid Azure AD join, the same device will be connected twice to Azure AD as a Hybrid Azure AD device.

So, what you’ll find in the dual state is a device with two Azure AD device records with different join types. However, the Azure AD registered device record is stale because the Hybrid Azure AD device record will take precedence.

About the Registered, Not ready, and Not registered tabs

Device blade tabPurposeExpected device readiness status
RegisteredShows successful registration of devices with Windows AutopatchActive
Not readyShows successfully registered devices that aren’t yet ready to have one or more software update workloads managed by the Windows Autopatch service.Readiness failed and/or Inactive
Not registeredShows devices that have not passed the prerequisite checks and thus require remediation.Prerequisites failed.

Device readiness statuses

Readiness statusDescriptionDevice blade tab
ActiveShows devices that: +have passed all prerequisite checks +registered with Windows Autopatch +have passed all post-device registration readiness checksRegistered
Readiness failedShows devices that: +haven’t passed one or more post-device registration readiness checks +aren’t ready to have one or more software update workloads managed by Windows AutopatchNot ready
InactiveShows devices that haven’t communicated with Microsoft Intune in the last 28 days.Not ready.
Prerequisites failedShows devices that: +haven’t passed one or more prerequisite checks +have failed to successfully register with Windows AutopatchNot registered

Built-in roles required for device registration

Roles are permissions granted to dedicated users. And there are a couple of built-in users in Autopatch that you can use to register devices:

  • Azure AD Global Administrator
  • Intune Service Administrator

Less privileged user accounts can be assigned to perform specific tasks in the Windows Autopatch portal. You can do this by adding these user accounts into one of the two Azure AD groups created during the tenant enrollment process:

Azure AD group nameDiscover devicesModify columnsRefresh device listExport to .CSV
Modern Workplace Roles – Service AdministratorYesYesYesYes
Modern Workplace Roles – Service ReaderNoYesYesYes

Details about the device registration process

The process of registering your devices with Windows Autopatch will accomplish a couple of things:

  • Creation of a record of devices in the service.
  • Device assignment to the two deployment ring sets and other groups required for software update management.

Windows Autopatch on Windows 365 Enterprise Workloads

As part of the Windows 365 provisioning policy creation, Windows 365 Enterprise admins will have the option to register devices with Windows Autopatch. This means that Cloud PC users will also benefit from the increased security and automated updates that Windows Autopatch provides. The process for registering new Cloud PC devices is as follows:

  • Head over to the Intune admin center and select Devices.
  • Next, go to Provisioning>Windows 365 and select Provisioning policies>Create policy.
  • Type in the policy name, select Join Type, and then select Next.
  • Pick your desired image and select Next.
  • Navigate to the Microsoft managed services section, select Windows Autopatch, and then select Next.
  • Assign the ideal policy, select Next, and then select Create.
  • Your newly provisioned Windows 365 Enterprise Cloud PCs will then be automatically enrolled and managed by Autopatch.

Windows Autopatch on Azure Virtual Desktop workloads

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) workloads can also benefit from the features that Windows Autopatch has to offer. Your admins can use the existing device registration process to provision their AVD workloads to be managed by Autopatch.

One of the most appealing features of Windows Autopatch is how it offers the same quality of service to virtual devices as it does to physical ones. This ensures that if your business is looking to migrate to virtual devices or is already using them, then you won’t miss out on what Windows Autopatch offers.

It is worth noting, however, that any Azure Virtual Desktop specific support is deferred to Azure support unless otherwise specified. In addition, the prerequisites for Windows Autopatch for AVD are pretty much the same as those for Windows Autopatch and AVD.

The service will support personal persistent virtual machines. But, there are some AVD features that are not supported such as multi-session hosts, pooled non-persistent virtual machines, and remote app streaming.

Deploy Autopatch on Azure Virtual Desktop

Another great feature that you’ll get with Autopatch is that you can register your Azure Virtual Desktop workloads using the same method as your physical devices. Microsoft recommends nesting a dynamic device group in your Autopatch device registration group to simplify the process for your admins. And this dynamic device group is going to target the Name prefix defined in your session host while also excluding any Multi-Session Session Hosts.

Client support

Windows Autopatch provides businesses with excellent support services to ensure that any issues are addressed. You can access the appropriate support services through Windows 365, or the Windows Autopatch Service Engineering team for device registration-related incidents.

Device management lifecycle scenarios

Before you proceed and register your devices in Windows Autopatch, there are a few device management lifecycle scenarios that you may want to consider. These include the following:

  • Device refresh – devices that were previously registered in Autopatch and require reimaging will require you to run one of the device provisioning processes available in Microsoft Intune to reimage these devices. Subsequently, these devices will be rejoined to Azure AD (Hybrid or Azure AD only) and then re-enrolled into Intune. And because the Azure AD device ID record of that device will not be altered, neither you nor Windows Autopatch will need to perform any additional actions.
  • Device repair and hardware replacement – when devices require you to repair them by replacing certain hardware, then you’ll need to re-register these devices into Autopatch when you’re done. We are talking about the kind of repairs that include replacing parts such as the motherboard, non-removable network interface cards (NIC), or hard drives. And the reason why re-registration is necessary is that when you replace those parts, a new hardware ID will be generated, including:
  • SMBIOS UUID (motherboard)
  • MAC address (non-removable NICs)
  • OS hard drive’s serial, model, manufacturer information

So, even though you still practically have the same device, whenever you replace major hardware, Azure AD will create a new ID record for that device.


Software update workloads

Software update workloadDescription
Windows quality update – on the second Tuesday of every month, Autopatch deploys monthly security update releases. Autopatch also uses mobile device management (MDM) policies to gradually release updates to devices. These policies are deployed to each update deployment ring to control the rollout.Requires four deployment rings to manage these updates
Windows feature update – in this instance, you’ll be the one to inform Autopatch when you’re ready to upgrade to the new Windows OS version. The feature update release management process has been designed to make the task of keeping your Windows devices up to date much easier and more affordable. This also has the added benefit of lessening your burden, thus allowing you to dedicate more time to more productive tasks.Requires four deployment rings to manage these updates
Anti-virus definitionUpdated with each scan
Microsoft 365 Apps for EnterpriseFind information at Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise
Microsoft EdgeFind information at Microsoft Edge
Microsoft TeamsFind information at Microsoft Teams

Autopatch groups

Autopatch groups play an essential role in helping Microsoft Cloud-Managed services work with businesses according to their various needs. When it comes to update management, Windows Autopatch groups provide an excellent tool that allows for the combining of Azure AD groups and software update policies. These might include Windows Update rings and feature update policies.


If there are any Windows Autopatch managed devices in your environment that are not up to date, you can monitor and remediate them using Windows quality and feature update reports. Not only that, but you can also resolve any device alerts to bring Windows Autopatch-managed devices back into compliance.

Policy health and remediation

To enable the management of Windows quality and feature updates, Autopatch needs to deploy Intune policies. Windows Update policies must be healthy at all times should you plan to remain up to date and receive Windows updates. Microsoft ensures continuous monitoring to maintain the health of the policies, as well as raise alerts and provide remediation actions.

Wrap up

The threat of attacks against businesses is something that is always lurking. And as we have seen on far too many occasions in recent years, these attacks can be devastating. Business operations can be severely compromised. Additionally, the financial penalties can be massive. Therefore, there is a need to do everything within your power to fortify your system defenses. Windows Autopatch allows you to bolster your security by automating certain tasks.

Make sure that update and patch deployments occur in a timely fashion. It can significantly reduce the risk of attacks against your business. And this is precisely what Autopatch is ready to help you prevent.

It helps you by automating the update process and simplifying tasks that are sometimes difficult and time-consuming. As a result, you get an easier and less expensive way of equipping your business with all the latest security updates necessary. Ultimately, it allows you to enhance your operations.